Horizon Clinical Research Group is a trusted site network founded by clinical research professionals with 25+ years of research experience. We are located in Houston, TX. We work with industry renowned pharmaceutical sponsors and CROs, and have strategic tie ups with leading central labs and local hospitals. We are committed to providing our Sponsors and CROs with high quality research data while meeting or exceeding our enrollment goals.
Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Heart failure, Diabetes with Cardiovascular outcomes, Obesity
Ulcerative Colitis, Chron’s Disease, NASH, Colorectal cancer screening, GERD, constipation
Type 2 Diabetes. High Cholessterol, Hypertension, Flu, Obesity
Migraine, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetic Neuropathy, Epilepsy
COPD, Asthma, Pulmonary fibrosis, other lung Diseases
Colorectal cancer screening, Lung Cancer screening and other screening studies
Years of Clinical
Research Experience
Research Sites
Experienced Research Physicians
Improve time-to-market for newer medications by establishing the best practices for clinical trial execution through efficient patient engagement and quality research data output.
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About Us
Help & Support
Horizon Clinical Research Group is a SMO founded by group of clinical research professionals with 20+ years of experience in conducting clinical trials. We are located in Houston, TX. We work with industry renowned pharmaceutical sponsors and CROs; and have strategic tie ups with leading central labs and local hospitals. We are committed to providing our Sponsors and CROs with the high quality research data while meeting or exceeding our enrollment goals.