Horizon Clinical Research

Horizon Clinical Research Group is a trusted network of research sites headquartered in Houston, TX. We make clinical trials accessible to local communities by collaborating with community healthcare facilities and operating our own dedicated research center. We partner with renowned pharmaceutical sponsors and CROs and have strategic alliances with leading central labs and local hospitals. Our research studies are led by experienced physicians who serve as Principal Investigators, supported by medically qualified research coordinators, a dedicated team of recruiters, and site managers. We are committed to delivering high-quality research data while consistently meeting or surpassing our enrollment targets.



  • Each site is structured to cover all aspects of research.
  • Each site consist of Principal Investigators with Clinical Research background, experienced research coordinators, dedicated research manager and quality assurance manager.
  • Principal Investigators, Sub Investigators and Research staff are all GCP, ICH certified.
  • Experienced and certified in more than 20 EDC systems.
  • Experienced, clinically oriented company management and leadership.
  • Rapid enrollment through 100K+ patient database and centralized patient recruitment.
  • Dedicated Quality Assurance team and a well defined quality management process.
  • Centralized regulatory, contracts and recruitment team.
  • Centralized advertising and outreach.
  • Designated storage (both ambient and refrigerated) with restricted access.
  • Temperature/humidity monitoring with generator back-up -20°C freezer and refrigerators with restricted access Locked cabinets .
  • Refrigerated Centrifuge and ambient centrifuge Incubator.
  • Hazardous chemical storage.
  • Laboratory (Phlebotomy stations, urine analysis ability) Height and weight scale.
  • ECG
  • Partnership with leading centralized labs for blood/urine tests
  • Local hospitals for CT, PET, MRI, Ultrasound, Cardiac stress test, Colonoscopy, X-Ray, Imaging etc.
  • Wi-Fi access for monitors.
  • Phone, fax and scanner / copier for monitors.
A group of doctors standing in a room.
0 K+
Diverse Patient
0 +

Completed Research Studies

2 -4

Weeks from Study award to site activation


Research Sites


Research Physicians

0 %

Patient Retention

Focused Therapeutic Areas


Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Heart failure, Diabetes with Cardiovascular outcomes, Obesity


Ulcerative Colitis, Chron’s Disease, NASH, Colorectal cancer screening, GERD, constipation


Type 2 Diabetes. High Cholessterol, Hypertension, Flu, Obesity



Neurology & Pain Management

Migraine, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetic Neuropathy, Epilepsy


COPD, Asthma, Pulmonary fibrosis, other lung Diseases

Cancer Screening

Colorectal cancer screening, Lung Cancer screening and other screening studies

Performance in Select Past Studies





Contact Us for Partnership

Shatabdi Satpathi

Biswadeep Hota

contact us

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A blue and white logo of the hudson clinical research group.

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